How do We Support the Well-Being of Our Employees Who Are Working Remotely?

A completely remote organisation means working “where you want when you want”, with autonomy and trust. When well managed, working fully remote brings more comfort and flexibility.

At DiXiO, we are pushing this concept further and working daily to improve it. The latest development is the introduction of unlimited holidays. From now on, our employees can take unlimited holidays with a minimum of 24 days.

We know that off-duty periods are inherent to our business and that working remotely requires a great deal of adaptability, so we prioritize the well-being of our experts.

This commitment is reflected in 3 maxims:

  • Increase interactions to compensate for loneliness
  • Value the HR team
  • Recruit mentors instead of managers


Promote interactions to compensate for loneliness

When we started out, some employees expressed certain difficulties such as a lack of motivation or a feeling of loneliness. For professionals from the four corners of the world with different levels of maturity in a fully remote job, the lack of social interaction is a big challenge, especially for extroverts. This is the obstacle we had to overcome!

How do you keep a smile on your face when your only expectation is to sit behind a computer all day?

We have two answers to this question:

  1. We have set up work sessions where we simply turn on our cameras, in an informal way, to recreate natural interactions, “just like in the office”. And it works! Complicated problems are often solved with the simplest solutions.
  2. We meet physically, at least every three months. Seeing each other boosts our spirits, and we take the opportunity to recharge our batteries and feel the warmth. These rituals give flow to our activities and allow us to strengthen our connections.
  3. In the medium term, we plan to set up coworking spaces to bring together experts who work in the same geographical area in order to contribute, once again, to break the isolation.


Value the HR Team

We’re not going to lie to you, we have invested a lot in Human Resources. There are no secrets: our success depends on the impeccable follow-up of each member of the team.

Our HR experts spend a lot of time coaching new employees. Each employee receives tailor-made support, intensive at the beginning and more punctual later on.

We have designed an interview framework so that everyone feels free to express their feelings without judgment. We address all the subjects: the way we feel, the level of stress, motivation, the appropriation of objectives, the relationship with the manager, etc.

This follow-up can’t be compared with what we have seen elsewhere, this emphasizes the role of HR and gives them a great deal of responsibility at DiXiO.


Mentors instead of managers

Management theorists believe that a manager can be responsible for up to 9 people in a standard organisation in order to dedicate enough time to each person.

At DiXiO we take this concept one step further. Our ratio is lower, with a maximum of 5 employees for each manager. Our fully remote organisation and the absence of informal contact within the office allows us to dedicate more time to each employee.

We often say that “we have never been as close as we are at a distance” but this has to be earned. To keep closeness, we need to hire experienced mentors who can guarantee quality management with a high added value.

More than managers, mentors are leaders capable of providing regular feedback. We may work remotely, but at DiXiO the human element remains at the heart of our business.

Why not meet our HR team for a first interview?

👉 To apply, click here.

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